Hello friends

 You in the winter season around december 25th the people celebrated the winter solstice and so the winter solstice would come about somewhere from december 21st all the way to around january 6th or so and so the people of the north would celebrate different holidays have different occasions based upon the winter solstice in the wintertime there is a period where there is no light you are literally in darkness 24 hours of the day and this stretches for a period of time now could you imagine 

If you're living in alaska or living in canada or living in norway and you don't have central heating and the cold is outside it's darkness around you people are dying from disease it's a terrible time and every family would probably lose somebody or they would know of somebody dying from the cold and disease during that season. 

This is the winter solstice and so when the sun starts to come out the people now are looking at the sun as a life-giving force and so during that time a number of ceremonies were held in northern countries in um the far north was the feast of the twelve nights which stretched from december 25th to january sixth also in ancient greece there was the baccanalia which was held for their god bacchus the god of wine and sport and play the romans had the saturnalia for their god saturn their main sun god saturn and so you find during these times that the people held ceremonies in the north they would burn uh bonfires 



The light was important the fire because the fire represents the light the life-giving force for those who worship nature also in the north they recognize that there was one tree that even that despite the cold would still remain alive the evergreen tree the fir tree and so in some cases they would take this fir tree believing that there was powers of life within the tree and they would put it in their homes set it there and put a light on the top of it or burn them in the front or they would make mistletoes and put them over their doorways a type of what we would call tawis or tamima it is an amulet and they would hang the amulet over their doors hang the amulets in their home hoping that this fir tree that this so-called life-giving force would protect them from the danger of the winter and so their ceremonies developed around this and this went on for hundreds of years we also find in 

The ancient uh northern countries and the druids of the north they carried out special ceremonies surrounding the mistletoe and surrounding the fir tree and the beliefs and they would meet within circular areas and they had a secretive cult that spread throughout the far northern countries one of the interesting individuals and you can look this up if you can find it in the dictionaries or encyclopedias is a man called mithra or mithras this is a very mysterious character and when you look at history you find that this uh individual called mithra was born on december 25th his day of the week was the seventh day of the week 

That we still call sunday he was supposed to be the son of the of the sun god himself and they had a special sacrament made up of bread and wine and they would make this drink during this time and supposedly he died for the sins of the people sounds familiar doesn't it but when you try to find mitra or mitras in the encyclopedias they through through state intervention erase the name why is this that is because after the time of jesus is when the message began to spread and they went north and you'll see within historical writings that barnabas one of his disciples met a man named saul or paul who later called himself paul paul said he saw jesus on the damascus road and he went to the disciples but the disciples turned against paul only barnabas stayed with him but when paul and barnabas went into greece barnabas left him now what is the reason why they all left him what are the concepts coming through paul many people say well they left him  



Because he was saul before and he used to torture the early followers of isa alaihissalam but also you can see and if you look at present-day christianity that most of the concepts of the trinity of the blood sacrifice the original sin and most of the concepts which relate to more than one god are coming through paul the preachers are quoting paul sometime more than jesus during their sermons and so barnabas left paul and somewhere in the early days in rome or greece somewhere in that area those missionaries who were teaching the t the teachings of jesus isa alaihissalam met with this force coming from the north and so you will see in ancient roman history that in in some cases the roman emperor would go out to the coliseum and the gladiators would be fighting each other and everybody's cheering for the gladiators sounds like one of our football games 

They would go to the coliseum right and the gladiators would fight and then if one of the gladiators was down and they would look at the at the emperor should i kill him or not and if he wanted to kill him he would say you go like that right you know that sign down if he said keep him alive he goes like this you know how we use it today yes okay he gives that sign okay one of the terrible things happening during these uh rituals at the coliseum is that they would bring the christians out literally men women and children and feed them to hungry animals 



They would take a hyena or a wolf or a lion and get it hungry and crazy and beat it and throw raw meat at it and then send it out on the people and they would literally cheer and watch as the animal rip the bodies apart this is a terrible culture tear the bodies apart and so somewhere along the line somebody who couldn't take the torture who felt that maybe we can win these people over made a compromise and you start to see changes going on from the early part of the christian era in southern europe 

Where the the major ceremonies held by the nature worshiping people are combined with christian names and christian ceremonies and therefore what comes forth to us is a mixture with the two streams coming together where you get a monotheistic name or a monotheistic character with a pagan ceremony and so the mixture of this together is what is giving us the present-day holidays um that we see number one we understand that isa alaihissalam according to the different reports of the different scholars in in many religions he was not born in the cold weather history shows us that he was born during the warm weather even in the christian traditions 

They have the belief that the shepherds were tending their flocks outside and in palestine you cannot keep your flocks outside in the winter time in the evening you bring them in because it's cool at night and so it was the warm weather it was also the time of the taxes in the north in the story coming in the quran when we see the mention in chapter 19 in verses 24 to 25 and we see the mention of the story of mary because it is the belief of the muslims that miriam may allah be pleased with her was a virgin and she had dedicated her life to the worship of one god prayer and fasting and by the power of allah that the creator breathed his spirit into her and she she conceived jesus 



He said be and it is she conceived jesus isalay isalay-salaam without a father without a man that is a belief of islam it is also a belief that when she felt the pain of the pregnancy that that the angel came to her and told her to go outside of the city she went outside of the city to a remote area and there she found a palm tree and she found water and it was speaking about ruth janniya it was speaking about a type of or a type of dates and those who know who have lived in the desert area know that when the dates um become ripe when you start to see the color of the dates change 

Because dates are not brown you know dates are originally red and they're yellow they're other colors but they turn the brown it's it's at the height of the heat that the dates become ripe and so it's at that time that she gave birth to isa alaihissalam so from different points of view different historical points of view and different religions we understand that isa alaihissalam was not born during the winter season he was born in the warm weather so who was it that was born in the winter season what is that who is that character now let us become detectives and try to find out the answer to this problem number one you have to understand this concept of saturn the concept of bacchus 



When they are portrayed by the different artists who drew pictures of them or the sculptures they are usually portrayed as a heavyset man with a white beard and when in the sistine chapel michelangelo drew his picture you could see the long flowing beard and there are actually pictures of this man on a sled being drawn by snakes with wings snakes with wings snakes do not normally fly but in this case the snakes have winged and the heavyset man is on his sled being drawn by these flying animals sound familiar to you now doesn't it he's being drawn by the flying animals he's before performing miracles he's he's coming out on december 25th which is not the birthday of isla islam has nothing to do with christianity it is the time of the of the baccanalia and and the saturnalia and he is representing riotous fun drunken reverie and so what happens on christmas the christmas season especially in america people today are not even thinking about isa alaihissalam they're not even thinking about jesus 

They're looking how they can get drunk on christmas what is going on in the caribbean and many parts if they offer you a christmas pudding or christmas pie or christmas drink watch out because it's probably laced with rum or wine that's the spirit of the season now this riotous occasion that was going on went so far that the christian church banned it and the church of england according to historical sources actually banned it all the way to 1647. it was prohibited in england to celebrate christmas because they saw christmas as being a pagan holiday this is an official position taken by the christian church the church of england who are known at that time as puritans 



What happened was an individual was superimposed a name was superimposed we hear about the name of saint nicholas saint nicholas now saint nicholas himself is actually coming from the ancient writings of beowulf and in these writings which are done in the scandinavian region we find the name nick or nickel or knicker he was known as a demon the demon of the north he was known as the evil spirit of the north the name of odin the evil principle and so in germany and in many of the northern countries the people actually looked upon this so-called saint nick as being evil force and they would tell their children in the wintertime don't go outside 

Because if you do nicholas will come along nicole will come along he'll capture you put you in his bag and take you away and so they used it as a negative concept in isaiah in what is left of the bible in chapter 14 in 1413 the devil is is known as the prince of darkness and it is an understanding that his throne the seat of his power is in the north somewhere in the north is the seat of power of this evil and so the germans also when they depicted this nicholas or this uh pel's nickel as they would say pell's nickel in german it means a furry devil when they when they depicted him 

They depicted him as a man with red fur he had red fur coat and he was his base was in the north and he was the essence of evil and the church of england until 1647 took the position that this celebration could not go on so what we are actually seeing is that the the the christmas occasion was actually the time of evil it was the time of the belief in the saturnalia and the bacchanalia and because of this they shifted the occasion to new year's eve they shifted all of their feelings and their merriment and their evil to new year's eve now before we go to that looking back back at christmas 



What is happening now in christmas season i don't know what goes on in miami but in the northern cities on christmas occasion they put lights around and santa claus parades do you have a santa claus baradia they have santa claus parades and st nicholas is outside and he's in the streets and everybody's talking about saint nicholas and the poor children are taught that saint nicholas is going to come down your chimney most people don't have chimneys in miami anyway but a 350 pound man is gonna come down your chimney and bring you presents and keep his clothes white and red and go to all of the homes in the area and put uh um presents in your stockings and and put our presents under your tree and then fly back out into space and the father the poor father 

Who sweat and toiled all year to get you the presents gets no credit for the present given to the child saint nicholas comes down the chimney gives you this present flies off into the night and many of us were raised thinking believing in this some of us would sneak into the night and look and see our father putting the present under the tree we knew what he was doing anyway but you went along with it and the people say well you know it's christmas don't you like to have fun you want to stop the children from having fun what kind of people are you but what is the what are you teaching the children you are using the name of jesus using the name of isa alaihissalam and you are using a figure who historically is the devil the devil himself 

They are using his figure and he has now taken over the christmas season christmas now to most people means materialism you have to buy presents for your cousins and your friends and you got to buy about 34 uh presents and you find that most american people are in debt for six months after christmas now where is jesus you get drunk you fight you lose all your money the stores raise their prices isa alaihi salaam is described as a very humble person most of the time he didn't wear shoes only one or two changes of clothing a very simple person eating very simple food fasting most of the time 

You see what is going on there are two streams now a stream of polytheism a stream of monotheism and now the polytheism the materialism is overtaking the monotheism and standing in the way and taking over our society and some foolish muslims coming along from outside of in their country say well i just want to be an american um i want a tree too so i said one of the brothers said he had a christmas tree in his house he came for i said brother do you know what the tree stands for he said no okay 

I'll get a palm tree with dates i'll i'll make it halal a halal christmas tree but brother you have to understand what it means you have to understand what it means number one the prophecies of islam when he spoke about he talked about he said all of these things are shirk that if you hang amulets thinking that this taoise or this airman is going to protect you from something then you are actually giving power to to the creation of allah and taking it away from the creator 

If you think that by making some spells going to a magician and asking them to put a spell on someone you want to get married so you go to the sahara and say put a spell on ali i want to marry him put a spell on zainab what kind of marriage are you going to have if you go to the magician and so the prophet peace be upon him named all of these things the superstitions the amulets all of these type of things are the other stream which goes away from monotheism from the belief in one god and takes you into another religion you

Thank you so much


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